Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Average Family

Financial Facts:

The median income for American Families is $47,000 before taxes.

The average family has an average mortgage of $87,000, at an interest rate of 2.4% and more than 28 years of payments left to make.

The average family owes an average of $12,750 on their cars, and more than $8,000 at 18% interest on their credit cards. The average family spends about $1.20 for every after tax dollar they earn.

According to some experts the average debt load is expected to grow by double digits this year, and that doesn't include future expenses like college tuition (over $100,000 for every child who attends a university after the year 2015.

This year the average retiree benefit from social security is $895 a month.

According to the social security administration, 2/3, that's 66% of all retirees rely on social security to provide 50% or more of their income.

For 1 out of every 5 retirees, social security is the only source of income.

Current projections estimate that social security will run out money by 2041.

The Federal Reserve reported that 1/2 of households with people close to retirement had less than $55,000 in savings and 1/4 had less than $13,000.

Medical Facts:

Way we are dying.....

1) Heart Attacks
2) Cancer
3) Weight--Over 60% of the population is overweight. 1 in 4 children are also overweight.
4) Asthma
5) Allergies
6) Diabetes
7) Eye Impairments
8) High Cholesterol
10) Chronic Fatigue